“Run to win.” 1 Corinthians 9:24

For seven years we lived in our quaint yellow farmhouse perched high on a hill. It was lovely. We made so many wonderful memories there. I thought it was our forever home.

But one night I heard the Lord speak to my spirit, that it was time to go.

Last spring, we bought some new Farmland. We built a classic white farmhouse with a wraparound porch on a new hill that overlooks a beautiful big pond. When the sun sets, that pond reflects the most amazing orange and lavender painted sunsets.

Only God could have orchestrated the series of events that happened to get us here. Like a train track of lined up dominoes, every detail fell into place, one by one.

Every detail, except for my heart that kept wandering back to the old yellow house on the hill.

It seems that I was comfortable there. Settled. Complacent and secure.

But Life happens. Life changes. We move. Family and friends move. We change. People change. We change jobs, churches, careers, schools, friends.

Nothing stays the same in life except for, God. He is the Lord and changes not.

As humans we get so used to things staying the same, that we do not adapt to change very well.

We are creatures of habit. We get attached to people, places, and things.

We like the comfort zone.

We feel safe and secure when things stay the same.

But that’s not kingdom thinking, that’s worldly thinking.

Jesus reminds us in John 18:36 “We are not of this world.”

Life requires movement for growth.

If we stand still then we will never go forward, we will not grow, and we will become stagnant.

Being stagnant stinks! For real.

If you have ever smelled a stagnant pond, then you know what I am talking about!

The Father created us to move in every way.

To grow and go forward.

To stretch and go beyond where we are.

If we all line up at the starting line to run the race, but we just stand there and don’t ever move forward, who will win the race?

1 Corinthians 9:24 says; “Only one person gets the prize, so run to win!”

I do not know about you, but I am not going to live my life standing still at the starting line!

I am going to run the race to win.

I am going to finish strong.

I want the Lord to stretch me, grow me and move me outside of my comfort zone.

I desire for the Lord to use me for great and mighty things for His kingdom and glory.

I do not want to stink!

I want to be poured out.

I want to be the sweet perfume of Christ to the broken, lost and dying.

I am that crazy for Jesus lady who prays for people in the aisles at Walmart. The one who rolls down her window at the red light to yell “Jesus loves you” to the family in the car next to me.

What about you?

Are you ready for a change?

Ready to trade your comfort zone for the Jesus zone?

I know it feels safe to stay where you’re at in life right now, but if you will just take the first step to cross over the starting line, Jesus will meet you and run every step of the way with you, all the way to the finish line!

Don’t look back. Focus on the prize.

Run to the Jesus Zone.

Ready? On your mark. Get set. GO!!




God Will Restore